11th June |  Zoom Webinar

Welcome to Find Career

Your future starts right here.

The Aim

We aim to revitalize the IT HR community. We also want to share best practises, success and failure stories, and create new HR methods or projects.


We are going to have some amazing speakers on exciting topics, discussing concepts such as 'hire slow, fire fast.' Join us and share your insights.


We're excited to host the Heroes United Unconference topics brainstorm and renew this HR tradition and community.



Welcome and Introduction


Hire slow, fire fast

This is an old concept in business that you should hire slow and fire quickly. It means that you should take your time when bringing someone into your organization. On the flip-side, if it's not working out, let the person go without delay. 

Panel discusion: Calvin Howards & Richard Alonderbridge  

Evaluating leaders: what is a good leader and how do we know it?

Effective leaders inspire and empower their team members to become the best they can be, as well as achieve common goals. But how do you define a good leader? What are their universal traits and skills that ensure their success?

Panel discusion: Nicolle Zagrebbing  & Robert Clarisson


Unconference topics brainstorm

Think of topics that you want to learn more about and let us know.


Voting on topics to choose the top 3-5




Smaller group discussions




Groups share their summaries

The topic owner of the group presents the main outcomes of their group discussion. 


End of Heroes United Unconference

Discuss the results and the overall takeaways of this event. Agree on who will own the next Heroes United event. 

Talk with some of the best HR specialists

11th June | Zoom Webinar